Monday, April 14, 2008

We have power

Saturday Thomas and Melinda were here, and Melinda spent the day doing homework and such, and Thomas & Wally rented a trencher and made trenches in our back yard in the dirt/grass. He ran a line out to the playhouse, which now has a light inside, and then to the gazebo, which also now has a light inside plus a plug. Cool, huh! Thomas worked from sunup to sundown, in fact until midnight to do it. Wally assisted and also did some sawing and drilling and digging for sprinkler pipes to my new grow box he is building. I just went around the yard excited and did a few of my own little projects. Today I finished painting the inside of the play house, and I was dreaming of the day that little people would be inside it, having a sleepover, and being not scared 'cause there's a real light,etc. Now I need to finish the play house stair rail Wally started Saturday (drilling his finger in the process) and then paint the outside and add the trim. I did my research work today, and didn't find any of the people I was searching for. It was frustrating.

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