The hives finally ran their course just in time for me to pack up and head off for youth conference in a place near Afton, Wyoming, and spend a few days and nights with very little sleep, as teenagers don't seem to need it. The first night there Eryn hurt her foot, creating so much pain she couldn't even touch it to the ground. The second day, hopping on her good foot, she sprained her ankle. The third day, we drove home early in the morning and I was calling Wally on the way, asking him to pick up some crutches for Eryn as we had to get her to the Instacare for x-rays and a diagnosis and some help. I reminded him of the reunion later that day and he asked what needed to be done to prepare for the event, and so he made a potluck dish and got the car loaded up and ready (while tending two of our grandchildren) so we could be there on time. Meanwhile we found Eryn had dislocated the toe on her foot and we were lucky the Dr. was able to put it back in place--I say lucky because there was so much swelling he wasn't sure it was going to happen. Also Eryn's mom showed up (from California) just at the right moment to take over and I was able to go home and shower.
The reunion was great, I had fun with my siblings and other family members, that night I got some sleep, and I thought we had turned a corner. Wally had once again bailed our family out of near disaster. That evening, Eryn said, "Why is there water coming out of this cupboard under the sink?" On closer examination Wally saw there was a rusted out connection and it was time for a new garbage disposal. Sunday we told our visiting family to use the other sink and explained the problem. My son in law Jessie said, "Well, at least your new credit card is here so you can get a new disposal." He said it tongue in cheek but it was true. Early Monday morning Wally ran to Home Depot before work and installed the new equipment and had it up and running before he went off to lay brick. That night I noticed the dishwasher wasn't draining so he removed the disposal again and popped out a little plug to fix the problem, and reinstalled it again.
Monday at work it got hot. 103 degrees as a matter of fact. I had a lot of time to think about stuff while I was mowing and weeding and all of that. I knew when I got home I would be worthless, yet one more time again. I started thinking about the order of importance of things in my life. I realized my plate was so full, it was overflowing and things were falling off and I was constantly calling on Wally to pick up the pieces. I was not considering him first, but last. That was backwards. I was giving most of my energy to my job, and then my volunteer assignments with church were next, and then my family. I needed to make a change. Early the next morning I sent off an email of resignation to my boss. He was out of town, touring with the Tabernacle choir as the stage manager. Needless to say he was not pleased. After some negotiations with him and counsel from my husband, we came to an agreement I would work with varied hours weekly, only as much as I was willing to commit to. The challenge I faced was I love my job, the people I work with, my boss, where I work, and what I do. It is one of the few things I do for personal pleasure--strange, I know.
The next weekend was the 4th of July and we had a wonderful Reunion at our house with our kids and grand kids. Things have started looking up.
So what did I learn with these events? First, I learned it might be a good idea to get two credit cards, one to use and one for an emergency. Second, I learned when you have to go through your stuff because of a flood, it's a good opportunity to get rid of things you really don't use or need. Holding on to things "just in case" is kind of a way of hoarding. I have it so no one else can use it, and I'm not even using it. And you can take as long as you like to put things back in the disassembled rooms in your house, it will wait for you. Third, I know it's good to listen to your body and your heart (and others around you) and slow down a little when you need to. I admit I like living in the fast lane but sometimes going around the corners the wheels can come off and then what do you do? Usually I just call for Wally, but darn it, I want him to take the ride with me, not just watch me spin off in a new direction every day or so and then rescue me. And finally, I know it's my family who gives me the real motivation to do what I do, the real support when troubles arise, and the love that feeds me and centers me and makes me whole. Thanks, guys. Love you, too.
And now I need to prepare for girls' camp.
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