What a weekend! Funeral on Friday, I helped with the food for the dinner after, Saturday I gave a baby shower for my neighbor--first time ever to do that, and in the evening I took dinner to a family that has a teenager in the hospital for several weeks now. Sunday was choir then we went to Grandpa's house for his 90th b-day party. I have to say, Wally's sisters really know how to throw a party. They had the best decorations--interesting, not just "decorations." They were big pictures of the family growing up, and a bunch of Verle's stuff from his war years, and then the tables had more pictures, etc. The food was good and the whole thing was well organized. My assignment was rolls and butter. I am so lucky to get that type of job. Costco and home again. Today Wally is four-wheeling with a couple of his brothers. He left at 6 am and I dozed back off instead of getting up. Around 7:10 or so I came to and realized that Laura's bus was to come at 7 and Yikes!! I jumped out of bed, and there was no Laura or bus to be seen. She had everything already for the day since a couple of days ago, and she showered last night, so that part was ready. I checked her toothbrush and it was wet, checked her meds case and this morning's meds were missing, looked in her drawer to see if she had tried to slip out with her holey pants, but they were there, folded up nice and neat. It was crazy! She actually had gotten up with her alarm and did at least three of the most important things to do to get ready for school. I'm sure she was on the curb waiting for Kathy, her favorite bus driver, and so there was no honk, just board 1109 (also named Belle by Laura of course) and go!! It was a little anti-climatic, to wake up and have part of the day already gone. My plan was to make French Toast for breakfast, her favorite, but that will have to wait until tomorrow. So I did my 45 minute walk alone, since Wally's gone, and then watered all the flowers in the front and back yards. I have several hours of uninterrupted time before me!! What a luxury that is!!
The party looks like it was a lot of fun. Everyone looks great in the pictures.
Wow, I read the whole thing. What a good book! You even mentioned my name once--I like your jokes--True, I do. And you. I also read a lot of the kids. The last link is a dud.
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