Tuesday, March 11, 2008

It's fun to read my family

I can't say how much I enjoy reading everyone's blogs. It's not possible to describe what pleasure I get out of reading what's going on, in the mind, in the life, etc. of people that I really care about. It's kind of like having a chocolate or something at the end of the day, a reward that I look forward to a lot. Occasionally I snack during the day and do a furtive check to see if there's anything new, but I am just loving it. I learned at women's conference last Saturday that at the end of the year there is an option to have your blog (for the year) published in a hardback book for only $22 or so. I hope that everyone chooses that--it's irreplaceable family history here.
Yesterday was FHE and we had the whole group here again. Brenda was on lesson and it was about families and how that's what it all boils down to, and that's why we really do the things we do. When it's all said and done, everything else goes to the landfill, right? I know I say that a lot but it helps me keep perspective and also remain encouraged that what I do is important, even though with Laura at times I just wish she would disappear for a few days so I could take a break. Don't get me wrong, I would want her to come back. Actually the real thing is for me to take a break, which I am doing this Friday and Saturday--it's the Computerized Genealogy Conference at BYU and I loooove going to it. That's where I learn a lot of tricks of the trade, and get info about cool internet sites and stuff. Joy's going to which is always fun. She likes my jokes.


Turbo said...

What is the name of the place that will bind blogs into books?

jmccarron said...

I like your jokes too, and I think you like mine- so it might be a real laugh fest if you and Joy and I got together some time. hmmm, what could we do?

Beth B said...

JMCcarron we would just laugh our selves sick. Especially after a hard day and it's late and we are eating something like food from Albertos or else ice cream, or drinking martinellis.
Turbo: you can go to www.blurb.com and you can publish your blog. 20-40 page hardbound book is $22.95 and soft bound is $12.95. I havent been there yet but soon.