Today I went to a woman's conference in our stake--Lani McCoy is still the stake Relief society president and I am really liking it. One of the classes taught was about--you'll never guess--blogging. Jeni Roberts taught it (my next door neighbor--Jeremy's wife) and she did a great job. She handed out a paper with step by step instructions and explained about them, etc. and I am really proud of all of our progressive older women (older than me) that do stuff like that. They had intelligent questions and used the internet lingo, etc. I'm glad I know how to do stuff like this cause my kids tell me about it. Look for fancy new updates on my blog, I know how to do even cooler stuff now. Most of the blogs I read already do really cool stuff and it inspires me.
Wait a sec, i got to get bread out of the oven.
k, I'm back, with a piece in my hand, buttered and strawberry jammed. So I have to type with one hand for a minute. When I was a kid, we used to have bread and milk for dinner. We would break up a slice of bread and put it in a cup, then pour milk over it. Sometimes we would add raisins, too (I bet Jessie would hate that. He had his raisin quota for life while he was a child.) Then we eat it with a spoon and drink the rest of the milk when the bread was gone. Anyway, that's what we are having for dinner tonight. Only you don't have to break up the bread and you can have the milk separate.
Yesterday I transcribed another document for the WRG (Whitney Research Group) It's fun and stuff.
1 comment:
I made wheat bread of friday! when are we gonna do a salsa session? John eats that stuff like he drinks water. I have a 5$ budget for it every week because he eats so much.
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