Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Grandma & Grandpa

Today I spent some time in a timeless place--Grandma & Grandpa Breinholt's house. I worked with them and got us all up to speed on the personal history projects. We got together for this purpose last fall sometime and then it kind of faded out. I am a little shocked at the difference today from last time. It takes a little bit longer to communicate, a little longer to accomplish the smallest task, and I find myself worrying about whether or not we get to finish what we started together. About 1:00 or so Grandma hobbled to the fridge and said, "Would you like a sandwich with us?" I said it sounded good, and I kept working on the laptop transcribing her written notes of her life history. She mixed up some of this and that, chopped a few things, went to the freezer downstairs for some homemade bread, Grandpa came in and they fussed at each other a bit about who was better at slicing bread most evenly and the right thickness, etc. I finished the typing, we blessed the food, ate together, chatting the whole time. It's such a nurturing thing to eat at their table. I ran a couple of "store" errands for Grandpa and then came home to do homework. My brain is winking out periodically so I will end.


Turbo said...

I really miss grandma and grandpa.

snotnose said...

That was one of may favorite parts about visiting while off-track, was eating at their table and cooking with grandma.