One week from today I will be sitting on the porch of a rustic cabin, chatting with family, or perhaps strolling down the sandy beach of Moon Lake with Wally, or singing around a campfire. The point is, one more week! On Friday, some of our people start flying in. Tonite Wally and I wrote a list of things left to do to get ready. He is so emotionally available to me now, I am like a kid in a candy store. On Thursday when Kelton was here, he was playing a game of catch with him and something happened that made them both burst out laughing. I was in my office, and it hit me how unusual it was, and i said, "Kelton, did you hear that sound? That's Grandpa laughing." Wally has been so cheerful and upbeat. I know that 2 years with SliceX has been an incredible drain on him, and he's feeling some real relief, even though we are not sure what is next. Well, actually we do know what's next--vacation!! So the rest remains to be seen. Right now, we both feel very peaceful, and that's what counts.
Clark and his family have spent the last few days here with their family reunion. Some family stayed here, and so this was kind of the hub. Clark and Susie put their trailer in the driveway, and that was a draw, having the parents close. I gave myself a new nickname, Aunt Grandma. The cute and sweet children of my nieces and nephews were so cute, and I had a little time with them on Friday which was fun. Lucy was baptized on the 4th, and she was so darling. We had more extended family here in town for that event, and later in the day we went swimming at Brenda's pool. Kelton was fabulous and had us all amazed at his abilities in the water. He is such a smiler, his happiness is contagious.