Just flew back from sunny and hot southern Cali where we (Wally Laura and I) spent a few days with Pete and Kristin + Sweet Pea and Elvis. We were there to: 1. Be a part of Pete's Patriarchal blessing which he received on Saturday 2. taking advantage of the Delta weekly special 3. See our fun kids and where they lived, worked, played, etc. 4. take a little break from the daily drag 5. give Laura a little vacation she could brag about that all would understand what the devil she was talking about 6. have fun. All the above were accomplished. The first night was kind of like a nightmare with Laura struggling to show us all she didn't think she should be subject to any unfamiliar night noises, and I think she slept all of one hour--that was a time when I slept, so I can't be accountable for her during that time. When dawn finally broke she slept for about 2 hours as well. During church she was so tired she couldn't stop tossing her head and scrunching up her face, which started to become alarming to me and I panicked just a bit wondering if she was going to have a full-blown seizure right there in the chapel. Finally I was able to coax her to sit on the floor and put her head on the seat and rest, a normal procedure during church for her, at least a couple of years ago. She did for a little bit, and then she began the trips to the bathroom. We finally waited in the foyer for it all to end, and then went home (amidst the tears) for a nap, both her and me. If Kristin wouldn't have gone too, I don't think i could have got her to leave. The rest of the day was relatively calm, and after a delightful barbeque we played dominoes and Phase 10. By that time it was food time again, and we made these huge pancakes. It was really fun. Monday we rested, then went to the beach and walked around and stuff. Laura gathered shells for Morgan, a gift for her "provider". That's a word which means a person who takes care of her for a while on a weekly basis, providing respite care for the individual and her family while earning a living for herself. I must say, Pete and Kristin are very wonderful host and hostess, with an extra measure of love and understanding for the less than perfect guests that show up at the airport wanting a ride and a place to stay. Kristin once again introduced me to a super food treat that I obsessed over for the whole time I was there--it's a mint chocolate chip frappucino made at Starbucks. :) Last time she stayed her she got me hooked on a potato salad she makes that has some addictive chemical in it. I think we will be having some more at MOON LAKE!
(This Picture I posted looks a little bad, but the pancake size was what i wanted to document. Sorry Kristin and Pete--they weren't really beat up evil twins, it was the photographer.)