Yep, here it is. A whole day to unroll 4600 feet of sod & paint the playhouse.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Getting closer
Yep, here it is. A whole day to unroll 4600 feet of sod & paint the playhouse.
Monday, April 28, 2008

Since Wally wrote the letter on the website about blogging, i have been torn whether or not to continue. That and the time factor. I struggle with my loyalty to support him, or just blog away. I guess I have chosen to blog.
Tuesday the grass is coming. Our backyard will no longer be a wasteland of dirt & clay, but a green oasis. The bark is already in, and it smells heavenly, an aromatic experience to walk outside. It kind of smells like we are in the forest. Packy the landscaper was working pretty late Saturday to get that done, and we ended up inviting him in for Pizza from the Pie. He accepted. We had a houseful, with Melinda's new sister and mother-in-law to be, (Margaret and Susan) and Eddie's Wii party, but it seemed normal. I had just returned from Orem where Wally's sister Marilyn and her girls had just put on a wedding shower for Melinda and also Amber, Joan's daughter, who is getting married in June. Marilyn is one of the most unselfish awesome women I have ever met. She is so willing to do good things. She has much opposition at times, but she just keeps going on if she has a conviction that something should be accomplished. This party was really sweet--even down to the last detail. She dipped strawberries in chocolate, and then embellished them with white chocolate to look like little tuxedoes! I have no clue where she gets her ideas. On the serving table for decorations were little topiary trees made with strawberries, grapes and a third one with broccoli and carrots. It was unbelievable. I took some pictures on my new phone and maybe I can download them. We'll see.
Tuesday the grass is coming. Our backyard will no longer be a wasteland of dirt & clay, but a green oasis. The bark is already in, and it smells heavenly, an aromatic experience to walk outside. It kind of smells like we are in the forest. Packy the landscaper was working pretty late Saturday to get that done, and we ended up inviting him in for Pizza from the Pie. He accepted. We had a houseful, with Melinda's new sister and mother-in-law to be, (Margaret and Susan) and Eddie's Wii party, but it seemed normal. I had just returned from Orem where Wally's sister Marilyn and her girls had just put on a wedding shower for Melinda and also Amber, Joan's daughter, who is getting married in June. Marilyn is one of the most unselfish awesome women I have ever met. She is so willing to do good things. She has much opposition at times, but she just keeps going on if she has a conviction that something should be accomplished. This party was really sweet--even down to the last detail. She dipped strawberries in chocolate, and then embellished them with white chocolate to look like little tuxedoes! I have no clue where she gets her ideas. On the serving table for decorations were little topiary trees made with strawberries, grapes and a third one with broccoli and carrots. It was unbelievable. I took some pictures on my new phone and maybe I can download them. We'll see.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Is this the same planet I was on yesterday?
Monday was 80 degrees, sunny, windy. I finished the second coat of paint on the inside of the playhouse and went in to get hamburgers to barbque for FHE dinner. I watered all the pansies I have planted for Melinda's wedding, it was so warm. They were actually drying out. Wearing my flip flops was like hanging out with an old friend. I surveyed the back yard and noted that it kind of looks like the Gobi Desert with all the grass gone. The mounds under the apple trees and other places where there will be bark beds are starting to take shape.
Tuesday I was working at my computer for most of the morning, re-writing a history for the book (Vol. 2) which is closer than ever to publication. I got up and stretched, wandering out back to check on the yard progress. I opened the back door and a cold blast of wind hit me, making me momentarily forget my question for Packy, our landscaper. I shuddered against the low temperature as I carefully made my way down the deck stairs, determined to complete my mission. My toes were frosty by the time I reached the patio. "Uhm, what happened out here--why is it so cold?" That wasn't the question. Oh well, time to get back in before I can't move because of my plunging body temperature. By the time I got to the back door, there was snow swirling around me.
In Utah, if you don't like the season, wait a day.
Monday, April 14, 2008
We have power
Saturday Thomas and Melinda were here, and Melinda spent the day doing homework and such, and Thomas & Wally rented a trencher and made trenches in our back yard in the dirt/grass. He ran a line out to the playhouse, which now has a light inside, and then to the gazebo, which also now has a light inside plus a plug. Cool, huh! Thomas worked from sunup to sundown, in fact until midnight to do it. Wally assisted and also did some sawing and drilling and digging for sprinkler pipes to my new grow box he is building. I just went around the yard excited and did a few of my own little projects. Today I finished painting the inside of the play house, and I was dreaming of the day that little people would be inside it, having a sleepover, and being not scared 'cause there's a real light,etc. Now I need to finish the play house stair rail Wally started Saturday (drilling his finger in the process) and then paint the outside and add the trim. I did my research work today, and didn't find any of the people I was searching for. It was frustrating.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Cherry's back
I have missed my car. It went into the shop Monday and every day I got an update on it, but it still wasn't ready. One day I borrowed the truck. Another day Wally gave me a ride to Trax. On Wednesday i drove Melinda's car--she was here for her surgery, and while she was sleeping I rushed to the grocery store. I have had to plan everything ahead if I wanted to go somewhere. Finally today (Friday) I got a phone call that it was done. I went to pick it up and I paid the bill, etc. and then the nice lady said, "Okay, they will pull your car around front right out there." I stood and waited and watched. When I saw it come around the corner, my heart skipped a beat and I quietly exclaimed to no one, "My Car!" It was all dirty from the most recent rain/snow storm, but I loved her anyway. I hopped in and drove off, stopping at the car wash on my way home. I noticed that the little delay that I sometimes experience when I step on the gas to accelerate after stopping at a light doesn't exist any more. Apparently she has two coils, one was out and when the second one went out, we really noticed. Now she doesn't hesitate a bit--she's really zippy! And cute! And I am happy to have her home!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Yesterday i took Melinda to have eye surgery. She has had such a powerful astigmatism in both eyes, the doctor told us it would help her a lot, but not fully free her from glasses. their machine can correct up to 7, she has a 7.5 measurement of ellipses or something like that. She was just a bit nervous as we waited for them to take her back, and about that time a woman came bustling into the room and beelined toward us. It was Lyndy and Lenae's mom who was working there as a surgical assistant. (Lyndy and Lenae are twins, good friends of Melinda from her high school performance group Encore.) She saw Melinda's name on the list for the day and had to come and see if it was "her" Melinda. She chatted away with her and then when it was time to go in, she walked in with her. She stayed by her side the whole 1 1/2 hours of the surgery, even holding her hand when it got scary and rough. I call that a tender mercy of the Lord. It relieved me tremendously to have her a part of the whole deal. Later in the day, after a we had been home and Melinda had napped, there was a checkup she needed to go back for at 2:00, and Thomas took her, planning to head to Ephraim directly from the doctor if it all looked right. Melinda called me, all excited, and reported that she had 20/40 vision in her eyes, a total and complete surprise to the docs. They said that it usually doesn't happen for their patients until the next day, to get that good of a result, and they really didn't think it would at all for her, that she would have to have a "redo" in a couple of months. Cool, huh.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Sunday Times
Well, I wonder if there are some in our "blogging group" who don't blog anymore. And I wonder if anyone has read my last blog and clicked on the link with the special movie. I may just be blogging to myself but here goes.
I heard something at General Conference today that I really liked and wanted to write about. It's such a great way to structure life, I just had to repeat it. Paul (in the New Testament) said What ever things are true, what ever is honest, just, pure, lovely or good report, keep. Anything virtuous or praiseworthy? Think on these things. It's such a good policy to live by. Why would we pursue anything else? Also we must show kindness and respect for people everywhere. Especially kindness and love within our families. Home is where the storm stops at the door. Great saying, huh. I believe the reason these things jumped out at me is because this is what I can really benefit from the most right now, by implementing them into my life. I am grateful for what a good teacher Laura is for me. I am also grateful that Wally and I are married. I love him a whole bunch.
Yesterday I got to hear two of my grandchildren sing "Popcorn Popping" to me--one on the phone (Maya) and one in person (Kelton.) What a treat!! These little people in my life are awesome. Jessie sent some pics of Maya and Sophie and they are changing a lot. I'm glad he sent them so I will recognize Soph next time I see her! I am grateful that Jake and Reagan keep posting Piper's pics, too, so I can see her growth and progress.
Speaking of growth and progress, I landed a job as a researcher at the FHL for a private firm called Ancestor Seekers. They have a group in England and handle a site here remotely. I work very short hours of course. Actually, I set my own hours and there will not be many until after Melinda is married, but they pay me a lot which will help with all the wedding and such. It's exciting to do the research--kind of like solving really complex puzzles.
I heard something at General Conference today that I really liked and wanted to write about. It's such a great way to structure life, I just had to repeat it. Paul (in the New Testament) said What ever things are true, what ever is honest, just, pure, lovely or good report, keep. Anything virtuous or praiseworthy? Think on these things. It's such a good policy to live by. Why would we pursue anything else? Also we must show kindness and respect for people everywhere. Especially kindness and love within our families. Home is where the storm stops at the door. Great saying, huh. I believe the reason these things jumped out at me is because this is what I can really benefit from the most right now, by implementing them into my life. I am grateful for what a good teacher Laura is for me. I am also grateful that Wally and I are married. I love him a whole bunch.
Yesterday I got to hear two of my grandchildren sing "Popcorn Popping" to me--one on the phone (Maya) and one in person (Kelton.) What a treat!! These little people in my life are awesome. Jessie sent some pics of Maya and Sophie and they are changing a lot. I'm glad he sent them so I will recognize Soph next time I see her! I am grateful that Jake and Reagan keep posting Piper's pics, too, so I can see her growth and progress.
Speaking of growth and progress, I landed a job as a researcher at the FHL for a private firm called Ancestor Seekers. They have a group in England and handle a site here remotely. I work very short hours of course. Actually, I set my own hours and there will not be many until after Melinda is married, but they pay me a lot which will help with all the wedding and such. It's exciting to do the research--kind of like solving really complex puzzles.
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